"DESCRIPTION 1"="Auto login can be used to eliminate the "Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to login" screen."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="Enable auto login ONLY if you have set the correct values before with the "Settings" plug-in."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="Be advised, your password and user name information will be kept in the system registry in a non-encrypted form and could be revealed if anyone were to logon locally to your machine and open the Registry Editor. We suggest only using this if you have non-critical data on your computer or if the machine is located in a secure physical environment."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
Call MsgWarning("NOTICE: To log on to the system as a different user, hold down the Shift key after logging off and you'll see the regular logon dialog box again.")